Is it for Me?

Dramatherapy is not about ‘acting’ and you do not need to be a skilled or experienced actor or artist to engage in Dramatherapy. An interest in creative approaches may be helpful.

An initial Dramatherapy session will be carried out before therapy commences and provides a space to explore the potential for us working together.  It also provides you with the opportunity to see whether you feel Dramatherapy is something you wish to engage in.

Who will know that I am seeing a Dramatherapist?

Once therapy commences I will request your permission to write to your GP to let them know that you are attending Dramatherapy.  Any information shared by you in the sessions will be respected and kept confidential. However, in exceptional circumstances, for example if you indicated a serious risk to yourself or others, I am legally required to break confidentiality. In such circumstances, wherever reasonably possible I would inform you first.